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The entire course was geared around technology, so what drew to me to brain games was the fact that we are completely immersed in an age of technology where we essentially do not get a break from it, even if we wanted to. The bombardment of information coming at us from all different devices and media is detrimental to the minds of our very own society and we should be responsible and take care of our brains as best we can. 

Personal Dynamic Media 


Personal Dynamic Media  brought to light new technology for its day and age, a technology that has now been refined and is in constant use. It presents the Dynabook, a notebook computer. Essentially, the creators of the Dynabook wanted it "to have the flexibility and generality...combined with tools which have the power..."

Our brains also have this type of flexibilty built in, although they are not meant to be divided and worked as hard as a computer is. It is the division and neglect of our mental spaces that is causing harm to us. There are many uses of today’s technology. If technology has the power to cause changes in brain chemistry and lax brain function, it also has the ability to help reverse these effects via brain games that can be programmed into our computers, downloaded, or accessed through the internet. Just like the intended flexibility of the Dynabook, technology can be both our downfall and our fortune. The key is to use all aspects in moderation, as well as employ a rehabilitation system such as brain games to keep our minds up to par.

Computer Lib/Dream Machines


Computer Lib/Dream Machines was basically a prediction of the future. Theodor H. Nelson notes that “Computers are simply a necessary and enjoyable part of life, like food and books. Computers are not everything, they are just an aspect of everything, and not to know this is
computer illiteracy, a silly and dangerous ignorance.” It is evident that computers and vast technology in general have become a necessary part of everyday life now. This also means it is almost inevitable that humans will incur cognitive weakness and decreased brain function. Therefore, it is essential to know what is hurting us, and how we can limit damage from the beginning. Once again, a clear indicator that brain games should be utilized for the mental health of the general populus. In this day and age, technology is a necessity. We should also make brain training a necessity.

Augmenting Human Intellect 

Augmenting Human Intellect brings my entire project back together by being the first to explain how the brain learns and why this is so important for brain games to come into our households soon. “In other words, the human mind neither learns nor acts by large leaps, but by steps organized or structured so that each one depends upon previous steps.” Our brains work slowly, building upon foundations, step by step, and can also improve itself in the same way. Brain training games are designed to steadily increase brain function and are improving the mind the best way it is able to – “by steps organized or structured so that each one depends upon previous steps.” These activities measure and gauge the level you’re at and make stepping stones to reach goals you can achieve. If technology can take you down a notch, it can certainly help bring you back up a couple. This simple observation of the way the brain learns is important because it is essential to the rehabilitation of the overworked or under worked brain. Constant use and environmental immersion of technology can and does stress our brains out. This results in decreased retention, attention, short and long term memory, and can have a drastic effect on our emotions. To keep our brains healthy brain games are one of the best ways to go in this era. 




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